The Impact of Technology on Literacy Practice

Now days, I personally agree that technology is no longer can be separated from daily life of human being. Just like machine, technology has been used as a media to help people with their works. In every aspect of live, it is such a common that the use of technology cannot be neglected. Due to its importance, technology certainly gives a big contribution to children’s’ development; their physic, cognitive, emotion, social, and psycho-motor. Technology for me can either give positive effect on children’s education or the opposite. Literacy skill is one of the examples of aspect that requires technology recently. I realize that since early age, lots of children have been exposed with technology to support their literacy practice. According to that fact, a question arises, is there any impact of technology on literacy practice?

Before I move further, I will give a brief definition about term ‘literacy’ first. Literacy that I mention here is a certain skill of how to write and read properly. Based on UNESCO, Literacy means the ability to identify, understand, determine, create, communicate, and calculate using written form that is involved with every different context. This ability is actually considered crucial to everyone.  Because of its importance, I believe that literacy should be introduced to everyone since early age. And I found that technology can be beneficial to support literacy practice. Moreover, since globalization era, technology has been grown rapidly and immerse within literacy unconsciously.

Literacy practice that includes technology can take various forms in educational settings. It can support old/traditional literacy, it can also introduce new forms in the classroom. Technology can help students discuss their ideas by bringing readers and writers together in the same classroom, and it can help students work together at different times through social media, certain websites for studying and blogging. Another nice feature of using technology is that it allows students to creatively combining various media. The resulting product can be a combination of traditional writing and other new technology-based form. So it can be said that technology is a bridge to invent a new form of education beyond the limit.

The recent study mentions about the development of technology to maximize children’s literacy skill, especially since the early age. There is a journal written by Mary-Jane Shuker and Lisa Terreni from University of Wellington, New Zealand, that stated the usage of technology can be further extended to help children’s reading ability since early age. They told that the one of technology media in computer like Power Point Presentation can be used by children in New Zealand to make a Self-Authored E Book—the book that they created themselves. The purpose is to help them learning how to read properly. They believe that the use of technology cultivates children’s interest and creativity that is crucial to teaching and learning process.

Shuker and Terreni also explained how a teacher of young learner in New Zealand introduce the E-book made by him/her using all feature of powerpoint—text, picture, animation, sound—to children in his/her class. He/she picks a very simple theme that is fit with children’s level of age and knowledge. After demonstrating how to make and use this kind of technology, his/her students is so excited and even more interested to make it by their own.

Another form of technology which is very common used in this era is computer/laptop, and cell phone. I realize that now, most children already have their own cell phone. If it is used properly, cell phone can be useful for education and literacy skill. There are so many good applications that can grow children’s motivation to read, with interesting visuals and sounds, reading can be no longer a boring activity. Because children can both read and stimulate their vision by numerous catchy pictures that compliment the article.

 Same with cell phone, computer can be a good device for children to learn too. With computer, children now days can practice their writing ability with simulate them to type any letter on it. It sounds really simple actually, but in fact there are many children now that learn how to write using computer. In Early Childhood Education book, which is written by Eva L. Essa (2010,209), there is a question that may be asked by many teachers and parents, “When should young children be exposed to computers?” this question is answered by S.W Haughland in this book that children are better not be exposed to computer from age 1-3, but beyond that age, that is their critical age to absorb any new information faster, so it is very good to introduce them to technology so they can use it to enhance their literacy skill. Another study regarding the usage of computer also conducted Lapp and Flood (1997), they identified that computers and other forms of multi media facilitate the use of electronic texts, such as email, podcasting and wikis, and thus require new conceptions of literacy and literate behaviours (Leu & Kinzer, 2000; Labbo, 2006).

The development of technology also produces a new term of literacy in this era. Multiply different terminology has been occurred in recent years to indicate how literacy has been changing. The new modes of communication, e.g. visual literacy, new literacies, digital literacies, multimodality and multiliteracies indicate that now literacy skill in children can be taught easier using technology. Literacy material can be taught in form of games, videos, songs and any other forms that will increase children motivation to learn basic literacy skill. By using technology, children may don’t feel any pressure to read because they find it is interesting and so simultaneously they will train their literacy practice while playing. At the end, teaching and learning activity can be more enjoyable.

So the invention of technology brings a huge impact toward the development of children’s literacy skill. In practice, children now are exposed to technology in order to increase their literacy ability, with so many features that technology have, it make children easy to access any education-based material that can help their reading and writing comprehension. For me, this is really good news in education domain, technology really helps me with so many things related to education. One thing that should be remembered, make sure that children use the technology under parental control, because aside of all the benefits, I think that technology also can give a bad impact towards children literacy development if it is not used properly.

References :
Essa, E. L. (2010). Introduction to Early Childhood Education. California: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Mary-Jane Shuker & Lisa Terreni. (2013). Self-authored e-books; Expanding Young Children Literacy Experiences and Skills. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood , 1-8.