United Kingdom and United States, these two are different countries
which speak the same language in general, English. They both are also included
in the western domain. But does everyone know? Even though these countries are
quite similar in particular things, there are also numerous differences which
can be seen. The obvious difference between these two could be in the accent
that they use when they speak. Those who have learned English will actually be familiar
hearing the term “British and American”. Well, British is an accent used by the
UK society while American is usually an accent of the US society. It may seem
quite easy to differentiate those accents by hearing it. But for people who
study English as a foreign language especially, knowing the distinction within
these two accents in detail is a need. It may be hard to master both languages,
but at least it is a need to know some major distinctions between them. There
are three major differences of British and American accents such as: the word,
the stress and the pronunciation.
Begin with the differences of word. There are several
different terms of saying something although actually that term refers to the
same things in these two accents. For instance, to address a football game by
eleven players, British calls it as ‘football’ yet, American calls it ‘soccer’.
Another examples are; the term of fried potato. British uses the term “chips”
while American calls it as ‘French fries’, British says ‘sport shoes’ which
refers to ‘sneaker’ in American accent, British usually labels a long-styled
pants as ‘Trouser’ yet, American just calls it ‘Pants’.
Move on to the stress which occurs between those
accents. There are several examples of how British and American settle of the
stress position in words. Let say the word ‘garage’ as an example, American
accent will probably be stressing the utterance in ‘r-a-g-e’. In contrast,
British will put the stress on syllables ‘g-a-r’. Another example is on the
word ‘advertisement’, The stress will comes out from the alphabet a-d in American
accent while the syllables ‘t-i-s-e’ are the stress points in British.
The last major difference is the pronunciation. This
matter is usually the most important concern to understand British and American
accents. The examples are plentiful indeed. One of them is the sound of
alphabet ‘R’ which is usually uttered stronger in American accent rather than
British. Try to hear the sounds ‘chair’, ‘hear’, ‘water’, ‘clear’, and ‘pure’
and the differences of those accents will be heard. One more example, pronouncing
alphabet ‘a’ in a certain word, such as: bath, laugh, ask, class, chance.
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