The Impact of Technology on Literacy Practice

Now days, I personally agree that technology is no longer can be separated from daily life of human being. Just like machine, technology has been used as a media to help people with their works. In every aspect of live, it is such a common that the use of technology cannot be neglected. Due to its importance, technology certainly gives a big contribution to children’s’ development; their physic, cognitive, emotion, social, and psycho-motor. Technology for me can either give positive effect on children’s education or the opposite. Literacy skill is one of the examples of aspect that requires technology recently. I realize that since early age, lots of children have been exposed with technology to support their literacy practice. According to that fact, a question arises, is there any impact of technology on literacy practice?

Before I move further, I will give a brief definition about term ‘literacy’ first. Literacy that I mention here is a certain skill of how to write and read properly. Based on UNESCO, Literacy means the ability to identify, understand, determine, create, communicate, and calculate using written form that is involved with every different context. This ability is actually considered crucial to everyone.  Because of its importance, I believe that literacy should be introduced to everyone since early age. And I found that technology can be beneficial to support literacy practice. Moreover, since globalization era, technology has been grown rapidly and immerse within literacy unconsciously.

Literacy practice that includes technology can take various forms in educational settings. It can support old/traditional literacy, it can also introduce new forms in the classroom. Technology can help students discuss their ideas by bringing readers and writers together in the same classroom, and it can help students work together at different times through social media, certain websites for studying and blogging. Another nice feature of using technology is that it allows students to creatively combining various media. The resulting product can be a combination of traditional writing and other new technology-based form. So it can be said that technology is a bridge to invent a new form of education beyond the limit.

The recent study mentions about the development of technology to maximize children’s literacy skill, especially since the early age. There is a journal written by Mary-Jane Shuker and Lisa Terreni from University of Wellington, New Zealand, that stated the usage of technology can be further extended to help children’s reading ability since early age. They told that the one of technology media in computer like Power Point Presentation can be used by children in New Zealand to make a Self-Authored E Book—the book that they created themselves. The purpose is to help them learning how to read properly. They believe that the use of technology cultivates children’s interest and creativity that is crucial to teaching and learning process.

Shuker and Terreni also explained how a teacher of young learner in New Zealand introduce the E-book made by him/her using all feature of powerpoint—text, picture, animation, sound—to children in his/her class. He/she picks a very simple theme that is fit with children’s level of age and knowledge. After demonstrating how to make and use this kind of technology, his/her students is so excited and even more interested to make it by their own.

Another form of technology which is very common used in this era is computer/laptop, and cell phone. I realize that now, most children already have their own cell phone. If it is used properly, cell phone can be useful for education and literacy skill. There are so many good applications that can grow children’s motivation to read, with interesting visuals and sounds, reading can be no longer a boring activity. Because children can both read and stimulate their vision by numerous catchy pictures that compliment the article.

 Same with cell phone, computer can be a good device for children to learn too. With computer, children now days can practice their writing ability with simulate them to type any letter on it. It sounds really simple actually, but in fact there are many children now that learn how to write using computer. In Early Childhood Education book, which is written by Eva L. Essa (2010,209), there is a question that may be asked by many teachers and parents, “When should young children be exposed to computers?” this question is answered by S.W Haughland in this book that children are better not be exposed to computer from age 1-3, but beyond that age, that is their critical age to absorb any new information faster, so it is very good to introduce them to technology so they can use it to enhance their literacy skill. Another study regarding the usage of computer also conducted Lapp and Flood (1997), they identified that computers and other forms of multi media facilitate the use of electronic texts, such as email, podcasting and wikis, and thus require new conceptions of literacy and literate behaviours (Leu & Kinzer, 2000; Labbo, 2006).

The development of technology also produces a new term of literacy in this era. Multiply different terminology has been occurred in recent years to indicate how literacy has been changing. The new modes of communication, e.g. visual literacy, new literacies, digital literacies, multimodality and multiliteracies indicate that now literacy skill in children can be taught easier using technology. Literacy material can be taught in form of games, videos, songs and any other forms that will increase children motivation to learn basic literacy skill. By using technology, children may don’t feel any pressure to read because they find it is interesting and so simultaneously they will train their literacy practice while playing. At the end, teaching and learning activity can be more enjoyable.

So the invention of technology brings a huge impact toward the development of children’s literacy skill. In practice, children now are exposed to technology in order to increase their literacy ability, with so many features that technology have, it make children easy to access any education-based material that can help their reading and writing comprehension. For me, this is really good news in education domain, technology really helps me with so many things related to education. One thing that should be remembered, make sure that children use the technology under parental control, because aside of all the benefits, I think that technology also can give a bad impact towards children literacy development if it is not used properly.

References :
Essa, E. L. (2010). Introduction to Early Childhood Education. California: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Mary-Jane Shuker & Lisa Terreni. (2013). Self-authored e-books; Expanding Young Children Literacy Experiences and Skills. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood , 1-8.

Is There Any Involvement of IQ Toward Language Acquisition?

Is There Any Involvement of IQ Toward Language Acquisition?
pic by google

What comes to your mind when you hear about IQ? Brain ability? knowledge capacity? Intelligence probability? Well, it is normal that people usually relate and define the IQ with the capability of someone to know something. As its definition, IQ is a short for Intelligence quotient. As I search on Wikipedia, IQ is defined as a total score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence. Wikipedia also added that “IQ scores are used for educational placement, assessment of intellectual disability, and evaluating job applicants. Even when students improve their scores on standardized tests, they don't always improve their cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention and speed. In research contexts they have been studied as predictors of job performance, and income.

 From that explanation, I tend to take a conclusion that the level of intelligence will determine whether you are so good at comprehending something or you seems have a difficulties with it. Since that IQ is usually determine someone cleverness toward particular subject matters, I realize that it is reasonable if the language acquisition is also among one of those subjects. I agree that IQ is clearly affects your ability in term of acquiring language.

I have observed that someone with a high score of IQ usually learn anything faster than other with a low score of IQ. Language is also included. I personally compared myself with my friend whom I spend most of my time with. Her IQ test score was greater than mine (we took an IQ test together at the same time). linked with the IQ score, she proved it in the contextual activities, I saw her progress in mastering English is more likely faster that my progress; she grasped the materials taught in class more rapidly that I did, she memorized new vocabulary easily, and she is adapted pronouncing new words so quickly rather than me. So I took a conclusion that by having a good score of IQ means that you have more probability to learn the language quicker. 

Pic by google

In contrast, someone with a low level of IQ tend to face more difficulties in learning the language comparing with others. I’ll give you another example; you may compare a students from the medical faculty and students from social faculty. Believe it or not, studies show that students from medical faculty are having a higher score of IQ rather than social faculty students. It means that their chances to learn and understand English are possibly bigger than the one with low score of IQ.

Pic by google

So if you are so good with English now. You need to be grateful because maybe you are included to people with a high IQ. But if you think learning English is so complicated, maybe factor such low level of IQ is one of the reason why it is so hard for you to understand English. But don’t worry; if you are included to people with a low level of IQ there are other ways to improve your language ability. Even though IQ is crucial, there are still other conditions which may help people struggling with their language acquisition. I’ll share those tips later on here ^__^

Daytime Television Drama: Umm...

Watching Television (pic by google)

I bet everyone all agree that ‘entertainment’ has been almost a primer necessity for people in this modern era. Related to this matter, recently I see that television is one of the prototypes of entertainment source which is considered essential. It is proven by almost all of the family in the city has one in their home (either my family…). I see that television offers and comprises all type of things to entertain. I put the example such day time dramas, is kind of things in TV which are enjoyed by lots of people during afternoon break.  I know that there are so many people believe that watching a daytime television drama is worthy. My brother, too, he enjoyed this thing so much. Nevertheless, I’m personally included the one who disagree with that opinion for some reasons.


Spending time with friends (pic by google)

Most people—mostly middle-aged people I guess, lol…—who like to spend their time watching daytime drama claim that it is a good idea to restrain their weariness after working all day long. This form of entertainment fits nicely during the break time because most of daytime dramas are not provided in long duration (Lindsay Patton-Carson). However, even though watching daytime drama only takes a little time, I’m still thinking that it is considered worthless due to the fact that daytime drama provide only a low quality entertaining things with lots of exaggerate scene on it. I realize that there are still other valuable things which can be done during daytime. Spending time with friend is considered as another way to release the stress too. Instead of watching a drama with full of bad content, talking with a friend can change the whole moods to be better. Barbara Fredrickson, PhD, author of Positivity believes that speaking is another quick way to break into a smile, any form of it will releases endorphins—hormones of positive emotion—and elevates the mood. 

Napping (pic by google)

Another beneficial thing to do during short daytime break is napping, this one is my favorite activity, yaayy :D.  Imagine after suffering from full time in a college/school, doing abundance activities, ended up with numerous tasks to do later at night. Don’t you think napping is the best and simple routine to restrain all the stressful activities during the day? (Of course if you have a short time during afternoon). The health website ‘’ writes on its page that there are lots of positive effects to health such as provides a memory boost, calms the nerves, and lowers the blood pressure.
Television Advertisement (pic by google)

Other reason stated by people who use to watch drama during daytime is that is usually accompanied with several advertisements. So while they watch drama, they can get other information simultaneously (Brenda Palmer). Nonetheless, I realize that statement is completely disregarding the fact that the advertisements which are rolled up during daytime drama can drive people to buy things that they will not buy. I’ve tried watching drama during daytime for several times and personally I’ve got a huge temptation to purchase lots of things from the advertisement served on TV that made me interested. It is like my heart whispered itself, “Omg I haven’t tried that make up yet, I need to have one later!” or “that sausage looks delicious, I shall try it tomorrow”. See? The power of advertisement :’D. I see the article from famous website ‘’ wrote that many advertisements have subliminal message to drive its viewer to purchase something which actually not a primary needs. So, I think watching drama during daytime indirectly leads people to wasting money (I’ve experienced it myself:’D).
Junkfood ads on TV (pic by google)

The last argument advanced by people who love watching daytime drama is one of good source of health improvement due to several scenes of the drama which often make them burst into laugh, as the famous saying goes ‘laughing is best medicine’ (Wagner). I asked my brother about his perspective towards daytime dramas he enjoyed most and he revealed that it is very amusing yet lifting his mood up. However, I observe that there are also opposite results of watching television drama for health. There are numerous studies that draw direct parallels between excessive daytime drama watching and obesity. “Most people think, 'Well you spend a lot of time sitting around, so you gain weight.' But most of the impact is just because of the marketing and advertising during that time that tends to increase intake of a range of unhealthy food products,” says Steve Gortmaker, a professor of the practice of health sociology in the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

pic by google

 To sum up, for me it is a wrong idea to think that watching daytime drama is worthy. Watching it during daytime may boost your mood, but I believe that there are so many positive things which are better to be done more than that. Talking with friend or taking a nap for example, are more valuable and yield a good health improvement. Decreasing the time to watch drama during daytime also made people to avoid seeing the advertisements which waste the time as well as money unconsciously. Another good reason why people should avoid watching drama during daytime is that it may increase the size of waistline gradually, as Professor Steve Gortmaker from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health said, people can gain weigh by sitting too much because of watching and also can be tempted by advertisement to buy unhealthy food which leads to obesity. Finally,  I conclude that in my personal  judgment, it is so much better to spending time with other beneficial activities during daytime rather than watching the drama because of its plentiful disadvantages. What about you? :))

What are the factors to make young learner learning English better?

Young learners usually have their own reason why they want to learn such a language. I observe that some children tend to go to English course because of parents’ pressure, while others want to learn English because of their school obligation. Nonetheless, I also realize that there are so many children who want to learn English because of their own interest towards this subject. Regarding learning by children's own will, I have no doubt that learning English since young age is not as simple as it sounds. Problems such as their limited brain capacity to absorb the material and their undersized attention span to completely focus on the teacher are the problems that make it is a little bit hard to teach young learner more than adult.

To lessen the problems and difficulties in learning English for young learners, there are several factors which need to put into consideration. My lecturer gives me several factors related to how to be better in learning English, specifically for young learner. And I have found that these factors actually can increase young learners’ interest and boost their comprehension to learn English gradually, so here are the factors to make children learning English better:

1)      Learning Condition
Learning condition is highly affected the ability of young learner to understand the material. Learning condition should be suitable with their interest and style of learning. Some young learners feel comfortable with learning in the class with a quiet atmosphere and with only a few friends along with them. They can fully concentrate with the lesson by studying in a peaceful class; the material given by teacher will be easily absorbed too. Other may prefer to study in a crowded class, or with listening music, etc. In this case, teacher should really put a lot of concern of his/her student condition; teacher should observe what kind of learning environment that his /her students prefer most. By knowing a young learners preference learning condition, teacher can minimize the failure of teaching and make the teaching and learning process more effective.

2)      The amount of Exposure
This factor also can affect the young learners’ ability in English positively. If teacher want the young learners gain knowledge of English faster, the teacher should train and make them practice their English as much as possible. Young learners should face English more often, they need to engage this language in their daily activity, every time they come to the class, they need to learn English more with their friend and family. The conclusion is, if teacher want his/her student master English well, they need to expose English with the student within their daily activities in class in a massive quantity of time.

3)      Opportunity to learn it
Every young learner has different opportunity to learn something. Opportunity here means the chance that they have to master English. So the higher change they have to learn English, the more likely they can master the language. For example, young learners who join an English course usually learn English faster than a young learner who doesn’t follow the course. It is happened because the young learner that taking an English course is not only has a chance to learn English at school but also in another place.

4)      Strong Motivation
Motivation also plays a crucial part in developing young learners’ interest to learn the language. Good teachers can give a wise motivation to increase their students’ interest. By giving a good advice and logic suggestion to learn English, young learners will be more motivated to learn English; as a result, they will comprehend and absorb the material faster and see the language with a happy feeling.

5)      Learner’s attitude toward the language
To master learning English faster, it is a obligation to teacher to always remain his/her young learner student to always put a positive attitude toward the language. Young learners’ attitude of English will determine whether they will learn English successfully or not. If they attitude toward English is negative, they wouldn't really care of it, as the result, they will think that learning English is so difficult and at last they cannot master English properly.

6)      Biological Factor

This factor is related with the theory of ‘critical period’ by dhdf(*I forgot his name :'D). This theory said that during childhood time, someone can learn and acquire anything easily and faster more than adult. So, young learners actually tend to be easier to learn English more than if they grew up. The conclusion is, if teacher want his/her student to learn English better, teach them properly since young age. They will be master the English faster at this golden age.

British and American accents, what’s the different?

United Kingdom and United States, these two are different countries which speak the same language in general, English. They both are also included in the western domain. But does everyone know? Even though these countries are quite similar in particular things, there are also numerous differences which can be seen. The obvious difference between these two could be in the accent that they use when they speak. Those who have learned English will actually be familiar hearing the term “British and American”. Well, British is an accent used by the UK society while American is usually an accent of the US society. It may seem quite easy to differentiate those accents by hearing it. But for people who study English as a foreign language especially, knowing the distinction within these two accents in detail is a need. It may be hard to master both languages, but at least it is a need to know some major distinctions between them. There are three major differences of British and American accents such as: the word, the stress and the pronunciation.
Begin with the differences of word. There are several different terms of saying something although actually that term refers to the same things in these two accents. For instance, to address a football game by eleven players, British calls it as ‘football’ yet, American calls it ‘soccer’. Another examples are; the term of fried potato. British uses the term “chips” while American calls it as ‘French fries’, British says ‘sport shoes’ which refers to ‘sneaker’ in American accent, British usually labels a long-styled pants as ‘Trouser’ yet, American just calls it ‘Pants’.

Move on to the stress which occurs between those accents. There are several examples of how British and American settle of the stress position in words. Let say the word ‘garage’ as an example, American accent will probably be stressing the utterance in ‘r-a-g-e’. In contrast, British will put the stress on syllables ‘g-a-r’. Another example is on the word ‘advertisement’, The stress will comes out from the alphabet a-d in American accent while the syllables ‘t-i-s-e’ are the stress points in British.
The last major difference is the pronunciation. This matter is usually the most important concern to understand British and American accents. The examples are plentiful indeed. One of them is the sound of alphabet ‘R’ which is usually uttered stronger in American accent rather than British. Try to hear the sounds ‘chair’, ‘hear’, ‘water’, ‘clear’, and ‘pure’ and the differences of those accents will be heard. One more example, pronouncing alphabet ‘a’ in a certain word, such as: bath, laugh, ask, class, chance.

In conclusion, British and American accents have more than a few of distinctions. Three common things which are so contrastive are the word selection, where they put a stress, and how they pronounce it. After observing and studying those differences, it is clear that both of the accents contain their own uniqueness that differentiates them with each other. 

Creative way to master English

      There are numerous way to learn and train your English faster. Most people who want to master this language will take a course or hire a private English teacher to teach them. Beside, writing is also considered as one of fastest way to learn English. Regarding to writing, you can write an article to broaden our sense and ability of English, post it in a blog to make it more interesting as well as to show your project to anyone who may needs it.

Personally, I have one creative way to improve my English and it is regarding to writing. Well… my first strategy is by getting use to talk always in English with my best friend. One of my best friend named Roudhatul Jannah is a girl who possessed an excellent skills of speaking English.

Her accent is just about almost the same with native speaker -Lol… I’m so happy <3. It may sounds exaggerated but I’m being sincere and honest. Her language ability specially in speaking is even better than several lecturers in my university. Every time I go out with her, she always forces me to talk in English. That’s why I think my speaking skills getting more advanced every time I get use to speak with her. Omg where are we now? Let’s go back to our first topic:p
My creative way to increase my English is this….

Yup, I use to write a diary every day, in English. It sounds usual isn’t it? What makes it special is that I draw lots of thing to make my diary cuter and more interesting to re-read again. People call this kind of thing as “doodle planner/doodle diary”. It is simply refers as journal that filled by your everyday activities, schedules, unusual experiences, and everything about yourself. Then you can decorate it with your photos or cool picture from internet, put a cute stickers, draw something with your crayons and watercolors, or using colorful sticky notes and washitapes. So this is my first doodle diary…

        Believe it or not, writing and drawing at the same time make me feel that writing is not a boring thing to do. It is almost the fact that common people who learn English will probably feel that writing is the hardest thing to do, including me and you, but that hard situation can be resolved gradually if you have a will to get rid of that pessimistic thought and try to learn more. Begin with writing a really simple and basic things—personal experience, study plan, etc—, then splash a little bit of art to your diary, you will found it interesting and begin to like it, trust me J

Writing doodle diary also really good to keep your memories stay alive in a form of hand writing. Including me, you must have experienced numerous experience in whole life, and you may forgot about those little things which happened; but by write it down and read it in the future may be can make you smile, laugh, cry, and feel nostalgic. Write a diary may sounds just like a regular writing, but actually for beginner it can positively affect your writing ability, too. Moreover, the combination of pictures and other decorations on it will boost your willingness over writing habit. As a result you will write and write again. Your doodle diary will be served as a reminder of mistakes you've made, lists of what you like and dislike, accomplishments you're proud of, and so many great moments that you want to remember.
            Here is a sneak-peak of my doodle diary….


 I've already started mine, when will yours? ^^