What are the factors to make young learner learning English better?

Young learners usually have their own reason why they want to learn such a language. I observe that some children tend to go to English course because of parents’ pressure, while others want to learn English because of their school obligation. Nonetheless, I also realize that there are so many children who want to learn English because of their own interest towards this subject. Regarding learning by children's own will, I have no doubt that learning English since young age is not as simple as it sounds. Problems such as their limited brain capacity to absorb the material and their undersized attention span to completely focus on the teacher are the problems that make it is a little bit hard to teach young learner more than adult.

To lessen the problems and difficulties in learning English for young learners, there are several factors which need to put into consideration. My lecturer gives me several factors related to how to be better in learning English, specifically for young learner. And I have found that these factors actually can increase young learners’ interest and boost their comprehension to learn English gradually, so here are the factors to make children learning English better:

1)      Learning Condition
Learning condition is highly affected the ability of young learner to understand the material. Learning condition should be suitable with their interest and style of learning. Some young learners feel comfortable with learning in the class with a quiet atmosphere and with only a few friends along with them. They can fully concentrate with the lesson by studying in a peaceful class; the material given by teacher will be easily absorbed too. Other may prefer to study in a crowded class, or with listening music, etc. In this case, teacher should really put a lot of concern of his/her student condition; teacher should observe what kind of learning environment that his /her students prefer most. By knowing a young learners preference learning condition, teacher can minimize the failure of teaching and make the teaching and learning process more effective.

2)      The amount of Exposure
This factor also can affect the young learners’ ability in English positively. If teacher want the young learners gain knowledge of English faster, the teacher should train and make them practice their English as much as possible. Young learners should face English more often, they need to engage this language in their daily activity, every time they come to the class, they need to learn English more with their friend and family. The conclusion is, if teacher want his/her student master English well, they need to expose English with the student within their daily activities in class in a massive quantity of time.

3)      Opportunity to learn it
Every young learner has different opportunity to learn something. Opportunity here means the chance that they have to master English. So the higher change they have to learn English, the more likely they can master the language. For example, young learners who join an English course usually learn English faster than a young learner who doesn’t follow the course. It is happened because the young learner that taking an English course is not only has a chance to learn English at school but also in another place.

4)      Strong Motivation
Motivation also plays a crucial part in developing young learners’ interest to learn the language. Good teachers can give a wise motivation to increase their students’ interest. By giving a good advice and logic suggestion to learn English, young learners will be more motivated to learn English; as a result, they will comprehend and absorb the material faster and see the language with a happy feeling.

5)      Learner’s attitude toward the language
To master learning English faster, it is a obligation to teacher to always remain his/her young learner student to always put a positive attitude toward the language. Young learners’ attitude of English will determine whether they will learn English successfully or not. If they attitude toward English is negative, they wouldn't really care of it, as the result, they will think that learning English is so difficult and at last they cannot master English properly.

6)      Biological Factor

This factor is related with the theory of ‘critical period’ by dhdf(*I forgot his name :'D). This theory said that during childhood time, someone can learn and acquire anything easily and faster more than adult. So, young learners actually tend to be easier to learn English more than if they grew up. The conclusion is, if teacher want his/her student to learn English better, teach them properly since young age. They will be master the English faster at this golden age.


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