Is There Any Involvement of IQ Toward Language Acquisition?

Is There Any Involvement of IQ Toward Language Acquisition?
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What comes to your mind when you hear about IQ? Brain ability? knowledge capacity? Intelligence probability? Well, it is normal that people usually relate and define the IQ with the capability of someone to know something. As its definition, IQ is a short for Intelligence quotient. As I search on Wikipedia, IQ is defined as a total score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess human intelligence. Wikipedia also added that “IQ scores are used for educational placement, assessment of intellectual disability, and evaluating job applicants. Even when students improve their scores on standardized tests, they don't always improve their cognitive abilities, such as memory, attention and speed. In research contexts they have been studied as predictors of job performance, and income.

 From that explanation, I tend to take a conclusion that the level of intelligence will determine whether you are so good at comprehending something or you seems have a difficulties with it. Since that IQ is usually determine someone cleverness toward particular subject matters, I realize that it is reasonable if the language acquisition is also among one of those subjects. I agree that IQ is clearly affects your ability in term of acquiring language.

I have observed that someone with a high score of IQ usually learn anything faster than other with a low score of IQ. Language is also included. I personally compared myself with my friend whom I spend most of my time with. Her IQ test score was greater than mine (we took an IQ test together at the same time). linked with the IQ score, she proved it in the contextual activities, I saw her progress in mastering English is more likely faster that my progress; she grasped the materials taught in class more rapidly that I did, she memorized new vocabulary easily, and she is adapted pronouncing new words so quickly rather than me. So I took a conclusion that by having a good score of IQ means that you have more probability to learn the language quicker. 

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In contrast, someone with a low level of IQ tend to face more difficulties in learning the language comparing with others. I’ll give you another example; you may compare a students from the medical faculty and students from social faculty. Believe it or not, studies show that students from medical faculty are having a higher score of IQ rather than social faculty students. It means that their chances to learn and understand English are possibly bigger than the one with low score of IQ.

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So if you are so good with English now. You need to be grateful because maybe you are included to people with a high IQ. But if you think learning English is so complicated, maybe factor such low level of IQ is one of the reason why it is so hard for you to understand English. But don’t worry; if you are included to people with a low level of IQ there are other ways to improve your language ability. Even though IQ is crucial, there are still other conditions which may help people struggling with their language acquisition. I’ll share those tips later on here ^__^


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